welcoMe . . .

weLcome to the andani'site
enjoy this....

Minggu, Januari 03, 2010

No one hears me...

Do you ever feel like breaking down??
Do you ever feel out of place..?
Like somehow you just don't belong and no one understand you...
Do u lock yourself in your room? With d'radio on turned up so loud and no oNe hearS your screaminG. . .
No u doN't know what it's like,, n0thing feeLs all riGht.. U doN't kn0w what it's like to be Like me. . .
To be huRt, to feeL lost, to bd Left out in the dark... To be kickeD when you're down to fEel like you've beEn pusheD around . . .
To be oN the eDge of breAking down.. When nO oNe there to saVe you . . . No you doN't knOw what it's Like . . .
weLcome to mY Life...........

Secuplik lagu dari simpLe pLan yg menGgambarkan perasaAn aq saAt ini . . .
Uhh.....betapa sakitny ktika ga ada seorang pun yang mau dEngerin kita.. Sibuk sama urusan mreka sendiri...
But..somebody toLd me,,that i'm not aLone.. [ ¤.¤]

1 komentar:

  1. bener.biasanya kalo gw jadi elo, gw teriak2 mpe bener2 ada yang dengerin gw,


ga boleh seronok,,mesti santun.. 'n ga boleh panjang2 yah.. hehe...
that's d'rule